How to Lubricate an EU Series Gas Pistol

Ever wondered how to properly maintain your GBB EU series and keep it running at its best? If so, join us for this instructional guide to lubing your Airsoft EU Series gas blowback pistol. Maintenance like this should be done after every skirmish, or extended firing session to reduce wear and tear on the internal parts. 

The pistol featured in the video is an EU Series pistol, but the same techniques apply to almost every Airsoft gas blowback pistol on the market today. Keeping the piston head lubricated as shown is essential to maintaining function over long durations and without this maintenance the pistol will eventually stop working. Adding lubrication to the contact surfaces will reduce wear on the slide and help it cycle faster and more smoothly which will also improve gas efficiency and performance down range. 

It is particularly important that you only use 100% pure silicone oil when maintaining your Airsoft replica, whether it is a GBB or not. Do not use WD-40, other petroleum-based lubricants or any silicone oil with additives as these will erode the rubber parts and O-rings inside the gun and render it non-functional. 

Looking for more info?

Using and Maintaining CO2 Powered Airsoft Guns [Article]

How to Load and Reload a Green Gas Pistol [Video]

If you have the intel you need you can check out our selection of gas blowback pistols right here. If you arrived looking for maintenance products and lubricant for Airsoft guns you can hit the button below to see what we've got!

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