ASG Bren M4 Mag Adaptor

ASG Bren M4 Mag Adaptor

Looking to use M4 / AR15 / STANAG Magazine with your ASG Bren? If you're looking to use standard M4 Magazine with your ASG Bren we now have the Bren Magazine Adaptor for M4 Magazines which replaces the Standard Magazine well allowing you to use M4/15/16 Magazine with your gun.

Some of you may ask why, but the answer is simple: M4/15/16/STANAG magazines are easier to get a hold of. Switching to the less bulky M4 Magazine over the Bren Magazine has a few bonuses, such as the ability to use Magazines you may already have, use the same Rig / Vest magazine pouches without having to buy new ones, and save space not having to use bulky magazines. Not only can you use your magazines, but if your friends all use M4 you can now share magazines with them, great if you're out of ammo in the middle of an important firefight.

Just like the CZ 805's original Magazine Well, this STANAG compatible replacement is constructed from Lightweight and Durable Polymer. and features an M4 Style Magazine release so that those used to the AR Platform are immediately familiar with its functionality.

Installing the Magazine well is a breeze, with a simple drop-in fit design, requiring little or no tools to do. To fit the front pin on the weapon's receiver is popped out, the existing magazine well is slid out and replaced with the adaptor, and the pin re-inserted. Easy.

This replacement magazine well is an excellent purchase for any Airsofter who already owns a substantial quantity of Airsoft Electric Gun STANAG magazines, allowing them to share magazines between their Bren and other Airsoft guns. You can your team can share magazines in the field, without needing to worry about compatibility.

You can find more information on the Adaptors product page: ASG 805 Bren Magwell for M4 Magazines.