Airsoft FAQ: Is Airsoft suitable for Children?

Airsoft FAQ: Is Airsoft suitable for Children?

A Bit About Airsoft

Airsoft guns are replicas of real firearms that shoot small plastic pellets. They are often used in outdoor games and activities, such as Airsoft skirmishes, target shooting, competition shooting and training simulations. Airsoft guns can be a fun and exciting way for children to engage in active play and develop their coordination and teamwork skills.


Airsoft skirmishes are held on official Airsoft skirmish sites like our very own HALO MILL in Huddersfield and are usually attended by safety marshalls with first aid training. The marshalls keep an eye on the skirmish, test all guns on the site to ensure they do not exceed power limits and make sure everyone is safe and happy while experiencing some intense, action-packed gameplay. 


Most Airsoft skirmish sites will offer equipment for rental, meaning if you aren't sure if your child will enjoy Airsoft you can try skirmishing out before you make any purchases. Rental packages usually include full face protection, an Airsoft gun and enough ammo for the whole day.


To attend an Airsoft skirmish most sites will require that the child be at least 14 years of age and attend with a parent or guardian who is over 18. Most Airsoft skirmishes have a range of age groups and ability levels in attendance, and as a whole, Airsofters are a very welcoming bunch and will go out of their way to make everyone feel right at home. 

Airsoft Safety

One of the key advantages of Airsoft guns is their safety. Unlike real firearms and Air Rifles, Airsoft guns are designed to be non-lethal and do not cause significant injury when used properly. They also have many safety features and are often finished in unrealistic colours to keep them visually distinct from the real thing. All Airsoft guns have built-in safety mechanisms to prevent accidental discharge ranging from a trigger guard to physically block the trigger to trigger lock safeties which prevent the trigger from being pulled. 


Similarly to Paintball, eye protection is necessary when shooting Airsoft guns, but beyond this, little other protection is needed due to the low power output of Airsoft guns. The average Airsoft gun has approximately 1 joule of energy at the muzzle, whereas Paintball guns can produce up to 14 joules, making Airsoft far safer, less painful, but equally fun! 

Are Airsoft Guns Expensive?

In terms of cost, Airsoft guns can be very affordable, depending on the type and brand you choose. Many retailers, such as Patrol Base, offer a wide range of options at different price points, so you can find a gun that fits your budget. If you need any help or advice with any products you find on our website feel free to get in touch with us via


Overall, if used safely and responsibly, an Airsoft gun can be a fun and affordable way for a child to engage in active play and develop their physical and mental skills. In the modern day, there are fewer and fewer reasons for children to get outside, get exercise and get experience meeting new friends and solving challenges in real-time. 

If your child doesn't care for sports and prefers playing Call of Duty, why not give them the chance to try it for real in a safe and controlled environment?

Hopefully, this article helps answer some of your questions and alleviates any worries you have about Airsoft as a sport! 

If you have any questions we haven't answered yet feel free to contact us by phone on 01484 644709 or email at